(780) 784-6666

Edmonton Real Estate Lawyer

Looking to buy or sell a home, condo or property? Talk to a real estate lawyer at Edmonton Law Office first

The best real estate transaction is a routine real estate transaction with no surprises or complications because both sides had their interests protected by a real estate lawyer. “It takes just one missed detail or misunderstanding to cause big problems,” notes Edmonton real estate lawyer Belal Najmeddine.

Buying or Selling a Property and Need a Lawyer?

Get Your Free Consultation

It’s also important to remember that similar properties could have very different histories. “You need to know everything about a property before you complete a transaction,” explains Mr. Najmeddine, who offers the following real estate legal services:

  • Home sale
  • Home purchase
  • Sale or purchase of land
  • Renewal or refinancing of a mortgage
  • Purchase or sale of Commercial Real Estate

Request a Free Initial Consultation to Discuss your Property Transaction

Remember to ask about flat rate real estate legal fees and discounts — just one more reason why Mr. Najmeddine should be your real estate lawyer.

Buying or Selling a Property and Need a Lawyer?

Request your free initial consultation to receive experienced legal help with real estate transactions.

Use the form below to contact our law office for a free initial consultation.
Learn more about real estate law in Alberta, including how to buy or sell a home, by arranging a free introductory consultation with an Edmonton Law Office real estate lawyer.

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Request your free introductory consultation today.

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