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Student Visa for Canada

Canada is ranked amongst the best countries because of its quality education, safe and peaceful living environment, economic stability, and the excellent job market. Over the years, Canada has become one of the favourite destinations for international students.

There are two steps involved in the application to acquire study permits in Canada:

  1. You must seek admission to a Canadian institution; and
  2. You must obtain a Student Visa to study in Canada.

Requirements for Most Canadian Educational Institutions

Although there can be specific requirements based on your specific program of study, generally speaking, most post-secondary institutions require an international student to provide, at the time of applying, the following:

  1. Evidence of Proficiency in either of the official languages of Canada, English or French, along with proof of passing a language proficiency test;
  2. A valid passport;
  3. Proof that the student can afford to pay the required tuition and other expenses for the study program chosen;
  4. Proof that you can support yourself while studying in Canada;
  5. Specific grade and qualifying subject requirements (Especially English and Math) in your Secondary or Undergraduate degree (however, this is based on whether you are applying for a post-secondary or a post-graduate programme); and
  6. Nominal application fees.

Note: Check with the institution you are applying at to determine acceptable exam, score and qualifying subject requirements.

International students should apply only to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI); Otherwise, you may not be eligible to work off campus while studying or may not be able to obtain a post-graduate work permit.

Once you receive a letter of acceptance from the institution, you can apply for your Canadian Student Visa.

Requirements for Student Visa

Obtaining admission to an institution does not automatically grant you the legal right to study in Canada. An application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is still required. It is this governing body that issues a student visa to you.

These are the general requirements for a student visa:

  1. An acceptance letter from an Institution in Canada;
  2. Proof of funds to pay your course fees;
  3. Proof of funds to pay for your living expenses while studying in Canada;
  4. You may be asked to provide biometrics (to confirm your identity);
  5. Police clearance certificate;
  6. You may be asked to undergo a medical test; and
  7. You satisfy the immigration officer that you will leave Canada after completing your studies and within the permitted time outlined in the student visa.

What to do after you apply for a study permit

Once an international student has applied for a study permit, they will need to wait for a decision on their application. Once a decision has been made, the foreign student must pay their fees and obtain a visa, if required. They will also need to provide biometrics if required. Once these steps have been completed, the international student can make arrangements to travel to Canada and begin their studies.

What is the processing time for a student visa?

The processing time for a student visa in Canada varies depending on a few factors. These factors include the type of student visa you are applying for, the country of origin, and the time of year. Generally, processing times can range from a few weeks to several months. The Canadian government typically processes study permit applications within 60 days, although it can take longer during peak periods.

Fast-track results by hiring experienced Canadian Immigration Lawyers to help you

Our Immigration lawyers at Edmonton Law Office can help you obtain admission to a recognized post-secondary institution (DLI) and help you receive your student visa to complete your studies and education. Contact our experienced Canadian Immigration Lawyers to answer all your questions about the student visa process.

photo of a young university student from Ukraine coming to Canada to attend University
Are you working to obtain a student visa in Canada? Let Edmonton Law Office and their experienced team of Immigration lawyers help you! With their knowledge, you can secure the visa you need to pursue your studies.

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