(780) 784-6666

Dependant Children (Biological or Adopted Children)

Canadian Immigration Laws do not discriminate between a natural-born child and an adopted child.

Any dependent child (biological or adopted) who is under 22 years of age, and who is not married or does not have a partner, can be sponsored by their parents or grandparents to immigrate to Canada.

Furthermore, a child who exceeds 22 years of age can still qualify as a dependent child if, for financial or health-related reasons, the child was dependent on his or her parents both before and after the child reached 22 years of age.

Kindly note that the information provided here is related only to the immigration of adopted or biological children. Please contact us if you have questions concerning the adoption of children who remain overseas.  As a helpful tool, you can refer to the following Immigration and Citizenship Canada website.

photo of a young girl adopted in Canada
You can now give your kids the chance for a better future. Under certain conditions, any dependent children under 22, regardless of whether they are biological or adopted, can be sponsored by their parents or grandparents to immigrate to Canada.

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