(780) 784-6666

Family Law & Divorce Lawyer in Edmonton

There is a solution for every Family law issue

Every Family Law issue can be resolved. The challenge for a Family Law lawyer is to find the best path forward. “It is very important to select the correct issue resolution process,” notes Family Law lawyer Belal Najmeddine. “Negotiation, with give and take by both parties, is right for some people. Others would be better served by litigation. To make the right recommendation, you really need to understand not only your client but also the other parties involved.”

Even the most basic Family law legal matter requires the help of a skilled and experienced lawyer who understands the applicable legislation (federal and provincial) and the language of Family Law in Alberta. For example, do you know how many definitions there are for “parents”: a) one b) two c) three; d) more than four. See the Answer at the bottom of the page.

Learn what is right for you by requesting your free introductory consultation with a Family Law lawyer at the Edmonton Law Office.  We welcome inquiries on all Family Law matters, including:

Answer: More than four. Married spouses; Unmarried spouses; a couple in a dating relationship; a couple with no relationship; a couple who had a child by adoption or assisted reproduction; people who have helped a couple have children by donating eggs or sperm or by being a surrogate mother.

illustration of a family made up of words
Get answers to your questions about Family Law in Alberta by reading our FAQS page or contact the Edmonton Law Office today to request your free introductory consultation.

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Edmonton Family Lawyers

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Family Law

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