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A certificate of title is a document evidencing legal ownership to real estate or real property.  In Alberta, a certificate of title is issued by the Alberta Land Titles Office.   A certificate of title will assist you in identifying whether there are currently (or even historically) any encumbrances registered against the title to that property.  There are different forms of encumbrances.  Some are permitted encumbrances that flow with the land from the seller to the buyer, while some are non-permitted encumbrances and should be removed at or before the time of purchase or sale.   Common encumbrances include mortgages, caveats, easements, utility rights of way, builder’s liens, etcetera.

Need Help with a Certificate of Title?

Get Help with Your Title

A certificate of title will also identify the legal description of the property or parcel of land, among several other things.

While you likely have a realtor assisting you with this transaction, It is always advisable to contact one of our professional Alberta Real Estate Lawyers, who can assist you in understanding the Certificate of Title and the encumbrances that are expected to flow from the seller to the buyer.

Need Help with a Certificate of Title?

Ensure your Certificate of Title is handled correctly with experienced legal support—request your free consultation now.

Use the form below to contact our law office for a free initial consultation.
image of a couple receiving keys to their new home, along with a Certificate of Title proving ownership of their new home
If you have questions about how to acquire your Certificate of Title on your property, contact the Edmonton Law Office for assistance with the help of our experienced real estate lawyers.

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