(780) 784-6666

Brook Mishna, Barrister & Solicitor

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Brook Mishna, Barrister & Solicitor

Brook attended the University of Alberta in 1999 and received his Bachelor of Commerce degree; he then attended and graduated from the University of Alberta, Faculty of Law, and was subsequently called to the Alberta Bar in 2004.  Brook specializes in divorce and family law.  He has extensive trial and other courtroom experience and has appeared at all court levels in the Province of Alberta.   He also has significant experience in regular family chambers, special family chambers, judicial dispute resolutions, settlement negotiations, etc.  Prior to joining the Edmonton Law Office, Brook spent almost 20 years practicing at other smaller firms throughout the City of Edmonton, the City where he was both born and raised.  While away from the office, Brook spends the vast majority of his time with his family.

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