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Working While Studying in Canada

While pursuing full-time studies at an Institution which falls in the list of Designated Learning Institutions (DIL), international students are eligible to work off-campus.  This means they are permitted to work and study outside the campus boundaries of their school or college. This could include working part-time or full-time in a job related to their field of study or taking on an internship or apprenticeship. To be eligible for off-campus work, the student must have a valid study permit and meet certain conditions set forth by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

As a change in public policy, commencing November 15, 2022, students are allowed to work more than 20 hours per week (the previously allowed time). Currently, this is only permitted until December 31, 2023. It is important to note that students are not permitted to work until the start of their studies.

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International Students are authorized to work with any employer, off-campus, in any field; there are no restrictions.

Income Tax Obligations for International Students in Canada

International students must file tax returns even if they have zero income in a tax year in which the student has paid tuition.

International students must also file tax returns if they receive scholarships, fellowships, or other educational assistance. This is because these types of payments may be subject to taxes, and the student may need to pay taxes. If the student is receiving any other forms of income, such as wages, self-employment income, or interest income, these must also be reported on the student’s tax returns.

Additionally, international students may be required to file taxes in their home country, so it is important to research their home country’s requirements. In some cases, the international student may be able to take advantage of certain tax credits or deductions that are only available to international students. International students need to speak with a tax professional or accountant to ensure they are filing their taxes correctly and to take advantage of any potential tax savings.

Employment Insurance (EI) for International Students

Yes, international students may be eligible to claim employment insurance if they have worked for at least 420 hours with an employer who has deducted EI contribution from the student’s paycheck (some conditions may apply).

International students may also be eligible to receive special benefits under the Employment Insurance Act if they face hardship due to illness, pregnancy, or the death of a family member. Special benefits may include extended health benefits, additional maternity or parental leave benefits, and financial assistance for those who have lost their job. It is important to note that the eligibility requirements for these benefits vary depending on the individual’s situation. To apply for special benefits, international students must meet the same criteria as Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Are International Students covered under Provincial Health Insurance?

As long as the International Students have a valid Study Permit or Work Permit, they are usually covered under the Health Insurance Programme of the Province they study and reside in.

Professional legal assistance every step of the way

Edmonton Law Office and its experienced Canadian Immigration Lawyers can provide invaluable assistance to an international student seeking to study in Canada. We’ll help you determine your eligibility, advise you of what documentation must be gathered and prepared, assist you in navigating the various stages of the process, and professionally present your case. With the help of the immigration lawyers at Edmonton Law Office, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome and the ability to be educated in Canada.

Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced immigration lawyers.

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photo of an immigrant student in Canada who is working while completing her studies in a Canadian designated learning institution
Do you want to work while studying in Canada? Contact Edmonton Law Office and their experienced Immigration lawyers to find out how you can make it happen!

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