(780) 784-6666

Sponsoring a Parent or Grandparent to Canada

Pursuant to Canadian Public Policy, the family-class immigration program intends to reunite Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents with close family members.

There are two parties involved in the process:

  • “Sponsor”:  the Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident that wants to bring their parent or grandparent, or any other eligible family member into Canada; and
  • “Applicant”:  the foreign national applying to come to Canada and wishes to live in Canada on a permanent basis.

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The Canadian Government provides Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents opportunities to bring parents and grandparents to Canada. The sponsor must express interest in sponsoring the parents or grandparents. Only a few applications are picked out of the pool each year, and an invitation to apply is sent to the selected sponsors. The draw is generally carried out once a year.

2022 Intake

For the 2022 intake, 23,100 invitations to apply were issued out of a pool of 155,313 potential sponsors who filed their expression of interest to sponsor in 2020.

Once an invitation to apply is received, there is a short window within which you must submit your sponsorship and your permanent residence application.

Note that there are financial requirements for the sponsor to fulfill based on family size.

What options are available for parents or grandparents who are not invited?

A Super Visa has proven to be a valuable alternative for those parents or grandparents who are not sent invitations to apply for permanent residency under the family class.

Requirements for sponsoring my parents and grandparents

The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents and grandparents for permanent residence in Canada. To be eligible as a sponsor, you must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or registered Indian, and reside in Canada. Additionally, you must meet the Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) for the three taxation years preceding the application and not have any disqualifying factors such as bankruptcy or criminal convictions.

Sponsors must commit to providing financial support for their sponsored family members’ basic needs for 20 years (10 years in Quebec). The application process involves submitting an interest to sponsor form, being invited to apply, and providing a complete application package within the specified timeframe. Fees for processing, biometrics, medical exams, and the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) are also required.

The application will be assessed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) based on eligibility and admissibility requirements. If approved, the sponsored person(s) will be granted permanent residence in Canada.

Who is ineligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent?

Some factors can make someone ineligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent for permanent residence in Canada under the PGP:

  1. Legal issues: A person with a criminal record or ongoing criminal proceedings, who is incarcerated, or has an outstanding arrest warrant may be considered ineligible to sponsor.
  2. Social assistance: A sponsor receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability may be deemed ineligible.
  3. Bankruptcy: If the sponsor is currently undischarged from bankruptcy, they will be ineligible to sponsor.
  4. Previous sponsorship undertaking: If the sponsor is still under an active sponsorship undertaking for a previously sponsored relative, they may be ineligible to sponsor under the PGP until the previous undertaking has expired.
  5. Removal order: A sponsor subject to a removal order, meaning they have been ordered to leave Canada, is not eligible to sponsor.
  6. Misrepresentation: If a sponsor has been found to have misrepresented information on a previous application, they may be subject to a ban on sponsoring for a specified period.
  7. Family violence: A sponsor who has been convicted of a violent crime against a family member or any offence resulting in bodily harm to a relative may be ineligible to sponsor.

It is important to note that individual circumstances can vary, and eligibility requirements may change. You should consult the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website or an Immigration Lawyer at Edmonton Law Office for the most up-to-date information and personalized advice.

Professional legal assistance every step of the way

Edmonton Law Office and its experienced Canadian Immigration Lawyers can provide invaluable assistance to foreign nationals and families seeking to sponsor their parents or grandparents to Canada through the sponsorship programs. We’ll help you determine your eligibility, advise you of what documentation must be gathered and prepared, assist in navigating the various stages of the process, and professionally present your case.

With the help of the experienced immigration lawyers at Edmonton Law Office, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome and work towards your parents or grandparents’ Permanent Residency in Canada.

Contact us today online or by phone at (780) 784-6666 to set up a free initial consultation with one of our immigration lawyers.

Need Help Sponsoring a Parent or Grandparent to Canada?

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photo of a grandfather and his granddaughter, who are hoping to reunite in Canada with the help of Edmonton Law Office and their skilled immigration lawyers
Do you want to sponsor your parent or grandparent to Canada? Edmonton Law Office and their team of experienced Immigration lawyers can provide you with the legal guidance needed to make your dream a reality.

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